After an elaborate vintage Gucci bag discussion, we proceed with the ‘Ultimate Real vs. Fake Gucci Bag Guide’, we will be discussing Gucci outlet bags.
But what exactly are Gucci handbags from outlets?
A Gucci outlet is a store that usually carries older styles of Gucci handbags. As you know, Gucci also has a seasonal sale, and those handbags that were not sold in stores are moved to the outlets as well. It means that you can get discount Gucci bags (authentic, of course) in these stores.
What about the quality of Gucci outlet bags?
Some Gucci handbags are specifically made for outlet i.e. made from excess leather and fabric materials. This is cost-effective and less wasteful as the materials are crafted into simpler-shaped bags or smaller details such as these exterior rectangular tags.
So how do you determine if it is a made for outlet Gucci bag? It usually has this on the interior Gucci leather tag, with the serial number behind.
So, you have the usual Gucci tag in contemporary bags (i.e. registered trademark symbol (®), GUCCI, made in italy) and then an embossed G mark (usually on top) inside a circle.
Here are more examples of these Gucci outlet bags:
However, please note that Gucci likewise employs a different marking than the G in a circle.
To signify a Gucci outlet bag, they also punch a hole through the leather tag:
These markings i.e. the G in a circle and a hole, signify an important thing.
The Gucci outlet store has a strict no return/no exchange policy. Everything is final and they will inform you upon purchase.
So are these bags authentic? Of course they are! Still it is worth double-checking with us for a supposedly made for outlet Gucci bags as fakes of these do exist.
What about Gucci overruns? Gucci does not have overruns. Never has and never will.
As an esteemed fashion house, Gucci will never produce overruns that are restocked by dodgy online sellers. The closest thing you can get to a Gucci overrun bag is a made for outlet bag, but the latter are still of high standards.
So if somebody is selling you a Gucci bag claimed to be an overrun, that is a 100% fake Gucci bag!
Next in the ‘Ultimate Real vs. Fake Gucci Bag Guide’ series, we will be discussing a bit of Gucci history and its murky past: the ‘Gucci Plus’ bags.
Jump to any section of this ‘Ultimate Real vs. Fake Gucci Bag Guide’ below: introduction | material | vintage serial number | rounded tag serial number | rectangular tag serial number | exterior | hardware | zipper | lining | seams | vintage gucci & gucci accessory collection | gucci outlet | gucci plus | case study 1: gucci abbey bag | case study 2 : gucci soho bag | case study 3 : gucci dionysus bag |